- the toastmaster or master of ceremonies
- father of the bride
- father of the groom
- the groom
- the bride
- the best man
- the maid of honour
Speeches are traditionally commenced following the meal at the reception, before dessert.
The Toastmaster or Master of Ceremonies
The toastmaster will announce the commencement of the speeches, and introduce and invite each speaker to come to the microphone.
Father of the Bride/Groom
The fathers traditionally have the first opportunity for speeches. You and your finance may also choose a close family friend to say a few words.
The father of the bride will express his pride in his daughter, and often adds a personal touch with a story from her childhood.
The father of the groom welcomes the bride into her new family, and adds an anecdote from the groom's past.
The fathers wish the newlyweds happiness in the future and toasts the newly married couple.
The Groom
The groom will reply to the father of the brides' toast on behalf of himself andhis new wife. He will thank the father for his toast and also thank the guests for being there and sharing in this special day.
To comply with wedding etiquette, the speeches will include a thank you to both sets of parents and the bridal party. This is the time to present any gifts or flowers to the parents and wedding party. The groomwill finish the speech with a compliment and toast to the bridesmaids.
The Bride
The bride may wish to present a speech as well. If so, she will thank the guests again for coming and the parents. The bride will also thank the bridal party, compliment the groom and propose a toast.
If you wish, the bride and groom can do their speeches together, to be sure you cover your bases and that the speeches aren't too repetitive.
The Best Man
The best man's speech will compliment both the bride and groom. The best man is then responsible for reading the telegrams, if there are any. Today, telegrams tend to incorporatejokes and funny messages from absent family and friends. The best man must consider the guests, and be tactful and considerate before reading all parts outloud.
The best man will finish the speech with a toast to the bride and groom.
The Maid of Honour
If the maid of honour presents a speech, she will thank the bride and ushers and also present a toast of her choice.
The toastmaster will then thank everyone for their attention and traditionally announce the cutting of the cake, or next event.
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